
It’s a transaction within a capitalist framework embedded in our society. It has been long accepted transactions are not just agreements between individuals as they see fit. Instead, society has a voice in determining the contours of the transaction. Even being able to go so far as disallowing a transaction entirely.

But that’s the libertarian line of thinking which can be used to argue against any regulations or restrictions in the employer/employee relationship. A worker’s body is theirs to use however they choose and if they want to work for less than minimum wage or with no safety protections, then who are we to interfere as

But surrogacy isn’t just the labor of pregnancy. It is also forcing a woman to convert her body and bodily functions in to a form of “capital”. The capitalist system doesn’t just want to commodity all work in to “labor”, it also wants to turn anything it can in to capital which is to be owned and exploited. We already

Marxism does envision something “totally different”. That’s the ultimate “stop” on the “train” of history. Setting aside how Marxism is an analytical framework created to examine socio-economic relationships rather than a blueprint for a future society, the final “stage” as envisioned by Marxist analysis (which sees

Hamilton mentions Scottdale, GA. Scottdale is barely a “suburb” in the context of the Atlanta metro. It’s “inside the perimeter” (ITP), the traditional boundary between “city” and “suburbs” for Atlanta. It’s also very diverse. And it’s between the ridiculously expensive city of Decatur, GA and the city of Clarkston,

Almost certainly. At least under the FLSA the claims can be brought against the “owner” personally as well as the corporate entity. Which at least makes the asset shuffle more difficult for the defendant owner. But even then guys are conveniently “broke” and the entity just happens to have zero assets. Only debt.

That’s the problem. We don’t know what “most people feel”. We only know what we “feel” and “feeling” something about an issue isn’t the same as “knowing” something. It would be much better if we stuck to figuring out our own personal preferences then trying to convince others as to why our preference is correct. Not

Does UPS provide $0.47 letter delivery from the Barrow, AK to Key West, FL? Does Fed Ex? No. Those are “supplementary” services. We literally have “universal mail delivery” because private companies would not provide those important services at a reasonable cost to every American.

Are you just doing a real good impression of a stupid person or are you actually being stupid? The claim was the word “insurance ” is in fact acting as a proxy for people to describe their current health care experience. Polls showing people like their insurance company or say they are concerned about losing their

I think that kind of reinforces my point. What they are concerned about is access to specific providers and specific prescription medicines. It seems like if they were sure there would be no change to their actual health care experience, then they couldn’t care less about to which address they send their checks for

No, what you said was a talking point. That’s the problem. It’s an incoherent talking point which makes no sense and doesn’t actually describe what people actually “like”. It’s a purposeful conflation of two very separate things designed to weaken support of Medicare For All among people who think it sounds like a

Good point. Americans constantly demand to have a bunch of competing armies jostling with each other for each person’s national defense business. Or a ton of competing federal court systems we can pick and choose from when we want to decide what laws we’ll follow and what legal protections we’ll have. Even each person

As Sanders made clear last night, no one likes their insurance. People like doctors. People like medical facilities. People even “like” certain drugs they need to take. But no one ever has liked the company whose job it is to literally prevent people from getting what they paid for as much as the company possibly can

Why do you even try to divine what people you don’t seem to know much about will “feel” about a candidate? How could you possibly have an accurate intuition about how millions of people who aren’t you or anything like you will think or react?

“Electable” means possesing some ineffable, indescribable quality you don’t have to actually identify or explain. It’s a gut feeling when you just “know” everyone else will like the person you happen to like and hate the person you happen to hate. For some reason mainstream pundits and self-described “centrists” are

It’s even worse than just “forgetting”. He’s basically implying that there is something about him, something Obama lacked, which can make the difference. It’s pretty obvious to what he is referring.

Butch females and effeminate males don’t change their sex. So sorting them by sex would still put them in to “female” and “male” categories. Conflating gender and sex is what made this whole thing in to this particular “problem”.

Apparently the software has to be able to deduce a self declared attribute which can not be discerned by any outward marker. So some sort of mind reading through linking to the soul which was captured when the photograph was taken? I’m sure we’re just a couple of years away from that technology.

You’re looking at an ideological “problem” with a non-ideological lens. First they conflated “sex” and “gender”. Now they don’t believe in “sex” as a “binary”. So we get insane articles like this which somehow expect everyone to act as if ideological beliefs are “facts” instead of a belief. If you assume their priors

If this wasn’t directly in response to the gerrymandering decision, then it’s a lucky coincidence.