My biggest comeback was playing Homeworld, back in 1997-98.
My biggest comeback was playing Homeworld, back in 1997-98.
Now, THAT’S an awesome way to show the dealings with hurricanes. This more visual way is more educative than just red/yellow/blue markings
Liked it!!! Put X-Japan sometime :D
Technically, Cell is Android 21.... (N° 16-17-18-19 [fat guy]-20 [Dr Gero]-Cell)
Doomfist’s arms are reversed....
shiiiiiit, that was intense as fuck!!!
Deathly God Parents parody was the best today. +10000 to the author XD
Lucio’s Buffs/nerfs, and draw changes hasn’t been implemented yet. See the patch notes
I expect no less than 10-12 inch figure for that price.
This one is the best skin of the bunch. I got lunar mei (the white one, pretty neat) and ana’s (horrible). Still missing Rein’s but looking forward to get it from a box, or buy it with credits (if i don’t get it at the end of the event)
You missed: Ana’s skin, Mei’s 2nd legendary skin and D.Va’s skin.
Still my favorite MM of the NES series (and i played 1-5). The first 2 MMX also are favorites of mine.
I would buy it for sure (specially an american looking one, because i had one)!!! SNES is the best console EVER!!!
these are waaaaaay better than those “forcing gay into games” ones
Option 3: How about no?
Why is the video showing only the upper part?
Saw it live, and the idk if the russians were nervous/scared, un-prepared or what, but that massacre/slaughter/rekt wasn’t normal.
The japanaese names are waaaaaay better than english ones.
My PERSONAL opinion about the skins:
I’m not against repaints, but make them at least sufficiently cool through additional details