

When's your next mission? In two years?

But he did fill his quota…

It's not the nomenclature system for dogs, it's the nomenclature system for all living organisms. That whole latin based genus-species thing. It's semi-common knowledge. Saying it to sound smart and then realizing it didn't quite make sense is the most Jimmy thing ever.

I'm surprised at the comments here. You'd think people would have both bad and good things to say about a state that's extremely well educated, has universal healthcare, real culture and history without being prohibitively expensive, and on the technological frontlines.

We get more Salomon!

I just feel like if I have an Oscar, the porn industry will have to take me seriously.

There have been times in my life when I was able to ejaculate in another position

Wait, so what happened at the end? I'm confused. He cut into Will's forehead with a circular saw. That's not scalping, that's just cutting through his skull. How did Will survive if Hannibal did get through his skull? I'm assuming that he was going to cut the top of his head off but he was interrupted right before he

Yeah, but then his wife died so he can get a new, fertile one when he is king.

Then she pronounces it incorrectly.

I thought the shot of Jimmy downstairs while the Kettleman's run upstairs for the money was creative and hilarious.

They lose the case and then finger him as someone they paid off. Not good for him long term.

I think the show is harder to watch because we know the characters better. Now that we have fully formed opinions about them, the drama is less salient and there is less connection between them.

I know this is going to make me sound super nit picky, but I don't care. I know the character of Kimmy wouldn't have many avenues to learn anything about other cultures. But it's something that I see all the time on American TV which annoys me. Kimmy pronounced Fatima "Fuh-TEE-ma." It's "FAH-tih-ma." It's something

The 14 year old?

Six vs six literally tells you nothing.

Yeah, they're not kathoeys if they are females, which I assumed they were. Or maybe it was intentionally ambiguous.