
Lil Jon confirmed reports that Donald Trump called him “Uncle Tom”

That’s the tackiest piece of furniture ever? Have you not seen Trump’s apartment?

I know, I keep hearing that “cherish” bullshit in my head. It’s one of many words (not necessarily the best words, but still) that Trump has completely soiled for the rest of my days.

Donald Trump cherishes women.

You have to wonder what would have happened to this woman had Donald not left that massage appointment for a meeting. Would he have forced himself on her again? And if she’d said no, would he have stopped?

A Cosbian explosion of women, is akin to a shit-ton of republicans fleeing Trump’s campaign... Just an incalculable number of people that is bound to keep growing.  

Oh, I agree. Like I said, I don’t think expecting Trump to not be a cad is reasonable, and she probably knew that. But there is a marked difference between being a cad and being a sexual predator, between sleaze and criminality. I presume she knew about the former, but possibly not the latter.

Count me in, kickstarter for story. Wine gift cards to be used as a celebration once this ...I can’t even think of words to mock that nacho toned ...darn it I can’t think of any words again loses this election and has a complete meltdown

I forget- how many victims in a full Cosby of accosted women? 8? 51? Collective nouns are so arcane!

This makes me feel kind of slightly sad for Melania. The reporter says repeatedly that Melania was really sweet towards her and genuinely did not seem to have any idea about Donald’s nastiness - that as soon as she’d come into the room, he’d turn and become the doting husband. I’d have to imagine that she understood

These women who are speaking out are brave, and I hope a fear of lawsuits won’t hold anyone back any longer (though of course there are other reasons women stay silent as well). I dont have much, but I would gladly contribute to crowdfunding for every woman who comes forward with their story to help cover legal fees,

These women are beyond brave. Coming out in the face of his throng of craven minions. Their lives will probably never be the same after this. I hope they get the support they’ll need.

I was on Jeopardy about 10 years ago. He’s short and too tan and wears sleeveless shirts to eat lunch. Real fucking jabroni.