AssFault on the Highway to Hell

Ugh that just raised my arm hair, the tone, the timing, the contempt.

Guarantee the only reason one hasn’t come forward is because of the shitstorm that would rain down her life from conservatives

He has no self control whatsoever.

God I fucking dare him to.

His entire base is just chomping at the bit to hear it.

I actually gasped when he said that. Bigly.

Well, now I fully expect to hear the bitch word from him sometime in the next 2 weeks.

“I’d like to secure your sack between two King Hawaiian rolls and then shoot salsa at it from a super soaker.”

Hi guys, just popped in from the timeline where Weiner and John Edwards are this year’s Democratic ticket, and want to let you know that things aren’t great there, either.

She’s suggesting that her husband can’t stand up to peer pressure from Billy Bush. That might be more damning than the misogyny.

i will always love you for slaking my thirst.

I do not believe HRC would roll over like Gore did. Let’s HAVE that constitutional crisis.

Well I follow REM on the face books, and I’ve known Michael Stipe’s politics since I started listening to the band. People on their page lose their shit anytime he mentions something political. There was a time in this country when music and the artists who created it were majorly political. I don’t get why people

Not to mention that this election is comedy gold. I’d be shocked if I went to a comedy show and they DIDN’T talk about the election.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is an intersection of Amy Schumer fans and Trump voters.

After 40+ years on air I know this like the back of my hand. These just seemed staged.

I love my dead, gay frog.

It would be pretty fucking crowded.

I wish there was a special hell for those who get rich by preying on the fearful and weak-minded.