
Logically, it would seem that since online retailing is killing off regular retailing, a simple way for a city to keep its employment base strong in our new economy would be to entice Amazon to build distribution centers in the city.

The coolest feature of iTunes, IMO, is its ability to play music through multiple AirPlay devices at once. I can play music throughout my house via three Apple TVs and an Airport Express, all connected to speakers, some via receivers. iTunes Match ensures that I can do this from either of my Macs. (Apple mobile

“It seems like Twitter might also want to give users the option to choose how their photos are cropped in previews.”

If this is like the similar model I have, the downside is that the switches are toggles, so that if there’s a power failure the unit remains off until you press the power switch again. That’s a bummer if, for example, the power goes off briefly in the middle of the night while you’re charging your phone or tablet.

If this is like the similar model I have, the downside is that the switches are toggles, so that if there’s a power

Outside of an unrealistic Utopia, I think the best we can hope for is a system that hurts less. A minimum guaranteed income might be a good starting point. But criticism of the current system doesn’t mean I can think of a better one!

I’m pretty sure that if all of our senses were taken into account, we’d find humans and capitalism are incompatible.

Did Abbott then get a job with the UK Marines?

This definitely tilts me back toward Apple TV. We use both the Apple and Amazon TV hardware now because I prefer the Apple UI, but also watch Amazon Prime content.

We each have a unique microbiome. I suspect this is why science hasn’t been able to identify a single diet that is optimal for all humans. Perhaps some day those of us who thrive on animal-product diets will be able to hack our microbiomes to align them with the diet that’s best for the planet.

I suspect we’ll eventually learn that our unique microbiomes play a huge role in determining how our bodies respond to various types of food. I have been part of informal groups of people who all went on a low-carb diet at the same time, and my results were much more dramatic than the others.

I was vegan for five years, vegetarian for another five, and now eat meat because that’s how I feel healthiest. I do believe, however, that later generations will look back in horror on meat eating, especially in the industrial-food era. I suspect we will develop palatable, sustainable alternatives.

Great work.

Sadly, the Echo Plus does not support all Hue features. The Hue webpage “welcoming” the Echo Plus lists the following features as requiring the Hue bridge:

There’s a fascinating examination of “the relative plausibility of impossible beings,” including ghosts, over at The New Yorker.

The linked article said they had ordered >27< bins. That quantity could easily weigh 30 lbs.

Compatibility with password managers is another significant factor for me. Edge does not work with Roboform on Windows, so I doubt it works with Roboform on a mobile device. Surprisingly (IMO), Safari running on iOS does work with Roboform, and I even like the way they made them work together.

You can connect the Echo Dot to a receiver and, depending on your speakers, get better sound than you can get from a Sonos speaker.

I’m opposed to the death penalty, but it can be difficult to get upset about the execution of certain criminals. Similarly, I’m opposed to civil forfeiture, but it’s difficult to get upset about its use against this guy.

Precedent can be persuasive or binding. Precedent from a different district is merely persuasive. Another court might agree, but it doesn’t have to and they often don’t. This is why one of the Supreme Court’s jobs is to decide issues that multiple lower courts have decided differently. The only place where you can be

regardless of the platform or the players involved, you can still use copyrighted content in a video as long as that use amounts to criticism