
Will they also remove movies that show the flag? And songs that reference it? And books about the Civil War?

This is more or less the collection I have, with two additions: a carving knife (for roast beef, roast turkey, etc.), and a 4” utility knife to go with the 3” paring knife. If I had to reduce the group to four, I would drop the carving knife (which gets used rarely) and the 3” paring knife (I use the 4” utility knife

I was shocked at how openly it takes on corporations on a corporate network. Great show.

You’re not going to get citrus in Seattle, or wheat on Long Island, or pears in Las Vegas. Not everything grows everywhere.

The earth will eventually become uninhabitable no matter what we do. In fact, it will eventually disappear. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care for it, but we will eventually need to get life to another planet if we (or whatever we’ve evolved into by the time we’re able to achieve this) are going to survive.

I feel about this the same way I feel about Texas creating a bank that accepts only gold and other minerals as deposits. It creates the opportunity to disprove (or, I guess, if I’m completely deluded, prove) a theory a lot of people believe.

This is the third article I’ve read with this theme. It seems to me that what some people are calling a “problem” is really just the show not going the way they want it to. I have no problem with the show, and you can see there are others in the comments who feel the same way. The problem is subjective, in other words.

I would use it with OneDrive or a similar service that automatically uploads everything to the cloud.

Does no one care about the rennet harvesters who lost their jobs to this technology?

It needs to address phone size and accessibility, but the phones it recommended are phones I would use.

He’s in a subway-ride simulation. It changes at each “stop,” but this is what he’s seeing for the duration of the video.

Make that the 140 character limit?

>They’re not actually called drones

This is great. I’ve encountered many hotels, including Marriott hotels, with TVs without the HDMI ports necessary to connect a computer or streaming device. These are typically 4-star hotels that I assume want to force guests to use their paid entertainment options. Finding out in advance whether the hotel’s TVs have

I have that coldbrew coffee maker, although possibly in a different size from what the photos above show, and it is FANTASTIC! Add a little cream and it tastes almost like a milkshake: no bitterness.

I have that coldbrew coffee maker, although possibly in a different size from what the photos above show, and it is

If you wear cologne, you should not wear a scented deodorant. It makes no sense to spend $150 on cologne and then smell like a $5 deodorant. Right Guard Total Defense 5 Unscented was my favorite while it existed. Now I wear Dry Idea Clear Gel. It works as well, but has a narrower applicator. No odor, no residue, no

If you wear cologne, you should not wear a scented deodorant. It makes no sense to spend $150 on cologne and then

Great analysis, especially of the difference between being true to oneself and accepting one’s destiny.

I tried learning non-basic handshakes from a white guy who played djembe and sold weed, but it didn’t take.

Obviously. The study looked at deviations from the level of racism typical nationally. But when an entire part of the country (the states that were part of the confederacy) switched from primarily Democrat to primarily Republican in the wake of the Democrats’ supporting the Civil Rights act, it’s clear that the rates

I am ELATED! I take a lot of bird photos, and this is a godsend.