
Interesting. I've given up taking my Apple TV to hotels, partly because of network issues, but partly because hotels like to use TVs without HDMI ports so that you are forced to use their entertainment services. I've had luck with bringing the Apple TV to airbnb and VRBO rentals, but I use the Ethernet connection

Why, when the trend is to move files off of local storage and into the cloud, would a new Apple TV need more storage?

I don't know whether to feel relieved or frightened.

There's something weirdly sexy about the cereal-bowl guy. Or am I the only one who thinks that?

That is some amazing photography.

It took me a moment to realize "Tolkien" stood for "talking" rather than "taken."

Eek! Two days in a row with no photo deals!

Eek! Two days in a row with no photo deals!

Didn't this generation of non-spankers learn not to be spank by being spanked? In other words, didn't their parents teach them not to be violent by being violent themselves?

I can tell you that Amazon Echo could not answer these questions. At least not yet.

I'm still using the 160GB iPod Classic I bought back in 2009 or 2010, with its original battery. And the iPad I bought in 2012 is still running on its original battery. I don't use them as intensely as my phone, but that has me wondering wehtehr capacity depletion is really a significant problem even if you use your

I don't get the battery thing. Do people generally wear watches to sleep and shower? I guess if you're using it as a sleep tracker, then you would wear it to sleep. But couldn't you charge it when you shower and get ready?

Did anyone notify the scientists at SkinnyGirl?

Weird. I use Chrome on two work computers and two home computers and can't remember the last time it crashed. Could the problems some people experience be an extension? Or maybe it's just bad on the Mac?

But partly because you can dump your kids at Spongebob.

I like the saying, "A picture's worth a thousand words but it takes words to say that."

I salute you, Mr. Henderson. You are my hero.

It looks like something you'd use to insert an IUD, only bigger.

Seems like a great way to kill Best Buy.

Didn't the USSR more or less manage half of Germany for 40 years or so?

If they make one for Mt. Rainier, I'm in.