
Many Montecito residents have their own wells from which they can take as much water as they like. Astonishingly, California does not regulate groundwater pumping! That needs to change.

Didn't parts of San Francisco gentrify in the 90s? Is the issue this time that there's nowhere left in the city that isn't gentrified?

I have a question about the term "rape GIFs," which has been used a lot in relation to the recent changes in commenting. Thankfully, I've not seen one. I'm curious, however, about what the term means. I can think of a few possibilities:

How is the death of the pope's family members "wonderful"?

Why not permit posting from existing commenters, but not permitting new commenters to post until approved? If an existing commenter posts a qualifying image, that commenter's account could be deleted. If he or she creates a new account, posts from that account would require approval. If the issue is the ease with

"One Weird Trick to Fill Your Newsfeed with Things You Don't Care About"

Don't permit burners to post images?