Eddie Lee Ivery

It was called "Sean and the Cloneosaurus"

If ABC can bring back My Name is Earl and The Office I can recreate all my TV viewing from 2005.

It's just like the Fyre festival, but with frostbite.

Maybe it's time to get off the high society treadmill.

How do you keep up with the news like that? Oh right, by reading Newswires.

Rampage definitely has the majority of my quarters. I plan to show up the to the movie with a ziploc bag full of quarters to buy my ticket, for old times sake.

This about clowns in video game journalism.

I like his twitter account, it's pretty funny. People send him pictures of their food and he asks them if they need a ride to the hospital.

They will. Technology is cyclical.

Look who's angling for a Becker revival.

I hope not, I just got done reading the 10th volume of the novelization.

"Will and Grace was recorded before a live (for now) studio audience."

If you watch two or more new Will and Grace episodes, Robert Greenblatt will come to your house and make popcorn for you.

Karen was by far the best character, they should have just spun a show off for her.

*obnoxious Fox-style hooting and hollering*

I think Craig T. Nelson is still alive.

He was one of the first to speak out against world wars.

You're really sticking it to that Imelda Marcos. She must work there or something.

The state department's Office Of Global Women’s Issues has been reorganized under new chief Tim Allen.

Writers use their imagination. Would you ask Stephen King if he really got attacked by a haunted car?