
No wonder they’re trying to buy their way into console exclusivity.

I’m sure that angry Americans on Twitter will really have an impact on changing the cultural perspectives of Chinese developers.

When your only defence of a bill is “Yes on paper it’s horrific, but they won’t actually enforce it!”, you’re in a pretty shit situation, frankly.

Fans gets BOTW vibes from any open world game that contains nature.... 

“Not having used one” followed by “but it’s safe to say”

No. If you’re doing an honest review, omit these kind of things. I honestly stopped seriously reading this there since it shows there’s zero credibility here, but the rest is entertaining.

Post the specs, sure. Don’t say dumb shit like this.

Can we call this what it is? She made her money making mild sexual content for kids under 18. Is that all that watch her? Of course not but lets not pretend it’s not a large portion of her audience. Lets be real. She’s a borderline pedo and it’s gross.

I think the general gaming pop is so desperate for a good, modern mmo, that you can attach the tag to just about anything and it’s going to get huge attention. Also free.

at some point, decades from now, the news will break that amazons marketing campaign pulled one of the greatest ad campaign tricks of all time and convinced everyone that they were the only person not playing this and you need to check it out now before its too late.  it doesnt make any sense to me that this painfully

All culture is an amalgamation, and the more we have amalgamated as a species the more we have achieved/advanced.

I said this above, but I’m pretty sure if they were becoming wealthy from this they probably wouldn’t all still be doing their day jobs. Ashley can be missing from entire arcs while she’s filming blindspot. I highly doubt she does that rather then stay home with her husband and friends and make so much more money like

But they are making... money? They are not just friends around a table. They are making making money using media even. That change everything!

Also. The world is so much complex than Liberal and conservative.

The more of this shitty clickbait Kotaku publishes, the more irrelevant they make themselves with regards to actual game coverage. This goes for all the other G/O Media sites too. It’s getting to the point when you have to spend so long wading through the BS to find the good articles that it’s hardly worthwhile

don’t associate this clickbait-y woke faux outrage with the actual far left. this kind of drivel is produced mostly by run-of-the-mill libs seeking attention. in no way do actual communists support this.

I could be in the minority here.

Do you want to use your tools to catch bad guys?”

I remember Nintendo patented the insanity mechanics from Eternal Darkness, locking them away, basically.

Surprised the headline isn’t “Black Woman’s Award Winning Gaming Collection Could Get Her Paid”. In fact, you don’t even mention it till the end of the article. Too much backlash on that last story about her? Did she maybe tell you to not call her “Black Woman” in a headline? Get tired of calling people racist just

FF13 was definitely the FF that goes all the way in with “Style over substance”. A golden turd describes it quite well.

No amount of graphical polishing will change the fact that the gameplay, the environmental design, the character development, and the narrative are all fundamentally flawed. You can’t polish a turd, and FFXIII is still a turd underneath all its superficial glamour. Even the soundtrack, one of the better elements of

I hate the way Nintendo seem to be above criticism in this regard. Anytime comparisons are made to PC/PS/Xbox by a gaming journalist/media person, 95% of the time it’s quickly followed up by “Nintendo are off doing their own thing and therefore we shouldn’t hold them to the same standards”.