
Oh liberals you are so funny’s not real.....



Five Nights at Freddy’s........... not a great start to the list already 

I mean it’s fine for everybody but the t’s

Give him food , real solid food jesus...

The author doesn’t appear to have any knowledge of actual police beside some main stream media depiction of them....reads name ohhh well that figures 

Woah that’s bad......the cat calling thing was a joke right because there is no way anybody believed that.

Everybody is gay regardless of context or as it’s better known currently shipping....

It’s the one thing they do....they will never forget. Mario will never die they reboot that shambling corpse forever.

God forbid the developer’s make the game they want before a bunch of butt hurt fans get angry . And of course they don’t even wait to actually see the content or context of something before it’s out

Nice thinking a whole race is evil then cowards...thats not racist at all. Dick head

That does sound like Justin , you think you guy have it bad with trump at least you dont have this virtue signalling cuck as a leader. Well at least he will be gone soon. No way he wins again , see you later Justin.


Nothing .......

This is about you be whoever the fuck you are nornally around all your friends.

Well that’s all correct so I have no idea what you think is a lie.....

That’s ridiculous , nothing in either of these cases has anything to do with racism... people are really fishing

It’s horrible that it happened but there was no forensic evidence and everything else was circumstantial. So yeah that how the law works.