
But Pokemons sound at least 20 times more funny

The concept of an outsider coming to save people isn’t white exclusive , it happens on large and small scales all the time in movies. People just really hate white people here. like god forbid a white guy help somebody would the movie really be more interesting if Zhang Wei the rice farmer was hero.

But the real question is will it ever be good.....because with the shit art and the choice to mix all the worst parts of dragon ball into this it feels like an entire series of filler episodes.

Everybody always says its LFG , but I dont think people remember that these groups sometimes took hours to form only to have the tank or healer leave and then you had to do the whole thing over again. it certainly didn’t make me feel very immersed in the game.

Console wars are great its what creates competition which then leads into these companies trying to out do one another. By making great games...on both sides. I feel if there wasn’t any competition we probably wouldn’t have half the games we do now.

Unfortunately it does impact the created content... Just look at the legend of Korra. Lost a little respect after that out of left field moment at the end. Though I always remember community making fun of that Jeff and Anna video so it does go the other way sometimes.

Blah you liked independence day..... How is this movie anyways I’ve been hearing meh all across the board not bad but not really good. The trailer certainly didn’t sell me on anything and after seeing remakes, reboots, and re imaginings of everything I’m burned out from the movies for now.

Yeah.... Umm do you think they just have a million or so cops in certain departments just roaming around looking for dead bodies.

Well it’s what you wanted to say right? That because the ratio is off a certain group shouldnt be hired because if it isn’t please clear things up for me. I mean otherwise why would you care that I said they should be hired based on skill.

Same to you I guess. you claim to want diversity as long as it’s not white guys, got it. I want ability and skill to shine and you want race and gender. ::D good luck with that.

All fired up now!!!

Well the larger pool comment is based on comic for a very long time catering to young white boys who probably grew up and then thought to themselves hey maybe I’ll be a comic book artist or writer. Of course other genders and races could enjoy this as well but it was obviously who the comics were marketed at, so it

Well I didn’t say it should say the way it is but whatever, I was saying if somebody is more skilled then they should be hired reguardless, unfortunately for you I guess there is just a larger pool of white guys to hire from.

Well they aren’t necessary wrong, why the hell does it matter who writes it as long as it good. I’m not one for somebody getting a job based on the colour of their skin or what genitals they have. That also goes both ways, it shouldnt matter if a white guy is doing it or a women or an Asian guy.

Still better then Batman V I guess it has that going for it.

low quality animation in anime I'm shocked :P

Anime Dubs aren't always bad.The Cowboy Bebop dub was better then the original I think , Fullmetal Alchemist wasn't half bad , though Al was pretty horrible in it. Some other ok ones of the top of my head Samurai Champloo , Gurren Lagann , Hellsing , Ghost in the shell , Trigun , and Full Metal Panic. I just find