
I can understand not liking his comedy (I personally find him hilarious, for what is worth), but why are you saying he’s a dick?

I might not see eye to eye with you on most things, but this article is a treasure, and every teenager should get a copy.

If a dude shoves his dick in your mouth without any consideration for your gag reflex, stop and tell him it’s not cool. If he genuinely doesn't care dump his ass.

Haha. Took me a bit to realize you were talking about Dankort. The bright side of living in Denmark for a few years is that almost everywhere you go in the world things seem cheap.

I have a culturally bred notion of feminine beauty that is extraordinarily narrow, and I cannot stand anyone who opposes it.

I know where you're coming from. Uncircumcised vajayjays are also gross.

"some young women are mature enough to handle it. most aren't, and when an older man takes advantage of an immature young woman who thinks she knows what she wants, we have a problem."

So much this ^^^

What's the problem with someone wanting a relationship with a person older or younger than themselves? Plus the whole "it's gross if she hasn't asked for it" is highly hypocritical.

Wedding registries are dumb. This article more so.

I think both practices are barbaric. No need to measure dicks now.

Hear hear. if a woman sleeps with her friend's boyfriend we should cut her tits off. If a man forgets to put the toilet seat down, snip snip with his balls!

Yes, 7.3 billion people all want to see a 17 year old south African girl's sex tape.

Patriarchy, patriarchy, toxic masculinity, patriarchy, gender roles. Was that the gist of the link?

There definitely needs to be more oversight on companies like Monsanto, and their stupid no using the seeds you harvested yourself rules, but what health and environment issues are you referring to?

Now playing

Rape threats and pizza orders vs beheading... Hmm

3 all the way

someone is reading waaaay too much into this...
