
During the event I’m sure they move the signs so the deer know to cross elsewhere.

Why can’t people young or old enjoy a game?

That’s true. Back home we have fireman Sam so we don’t worry about such things.

Yeah, a swastika on a dune truck in Saudi Arabia is probably there to promote good luck. That’s probably it.

So, we have a video from the Middle East, and you use “Hold My Beer” in the headline...

Mazda Engineers Hate Him — Click Here to Find Out Why!

It's like The Italian Job, but being Jersey, it was more like The My Great Grandmother was Half-Italian Job.

What size tin foil hat do you wear?

I am so thankful that you included the insightful takes from track and field journalists @yuptwins and @jiggywizzle. Who could possibly form an opinion without their scorching hot takes.

Marathons are all about race, bro.

Oh yeah I know. But it just seems to me that these Jalop guys have a problem with guys who have more money than they do.

Because if the choice is between a Tesla and something equally expensive, an incentive to buy the electric vehicle is supposed to help the environment. However, since people have a hate-boner for anyone who makes more money than they do, then the environment takes a back seat to their agenda.

Your all caps response is making me hate the new TG even more. Good job!

The apology has already made the new Top Gear worse than the old.