Yes, but you had to be within range of another Zune. I only used it once to test it. Not many people had Zunes...
Yes, but you had to be within range of another Zune. I only used it once to test it. Not many people had Zunes...
I hate the Weather Channel Android is so sluggish on the Evo 4g
Actually, you are the only one that doesnt get the sarcasm. I asked a considerable amount of people in my office.
Here, I will rephrase and lose all the appeal.
There is a thing called Sarcasm. Brush up on it.
It is bronze-ish. Have you ever held one or seen one in person?
But but...but Macs dont get viruses....
The first one was stylish and gorgeous; not to mention exciting and unique.
I swear by my eeePC. I had the original 701; still works today! Although, I upgraded to a 1015PEM last year. Both excellent products.
Shut up and take my money!
If you want to replace it with the old dog:
Indexed search was horrible. I went back to companion search shortly after switching.
Hopefully you learned something and will be more thoughtful in your replies.
I love when starred commenters are ignorant, brash and make assumptions. You could have just asked why I thought those things rather than painting yourself a fool.
Guess it is as good of time as any... Cant even wait a full day after?
I'm sure it will be an amazing phone. The screen makes it practically worth it.
Well I don't like your tone. And going to write the editors to remove your star. Not sure how you got it with the way you comment. Why do you assume people are ignorant?
This has not been confirmed by Apple.
How so?