
I bet you poop gold bricks too.

I have seen at least 5 people in my department get company iPads in the past months...because they wanted one. They have no use for them! They have travel-tablet laptops! Misappropriation of the companies funds if you ask me.

Just saying you see the compression as the difference.

So do 99% of websites that don't use SSL (*). This is FUD.

Think you are being a little extreme? EVERYone in california?

Why not the Russian screw drive vehicle?

Must not have been a stealth pipe.

May I ask what tech was involved in this article? I am having trouble finding it.

A meltdown is not technically long as it can be controlled, cooled and keep it from breaching the containment structure.

Should be opt-in. This is fascist

Does itunes or echo scour the internet and play those songs as well? If so, it has a larger database, Google Music is your collection only.


Although, I am still not a fan of their $4 foot longs. Everything else is ballin

Go to sheetz!

I still use 2 aims, msn, gchat and a yahoo! Only because pidgin supports them. Most of the accounts are ghost towns with only 5 relevant sn's or so. Just 1 aim and gchat are populated

So just because you misinterpret something, means you call them stupid? I saw the thread on Reddit when it Frontpaged. They have a valid point. Thanks Casey Chan....

just gave

Its utilitarian. If you want great looks...go apple.