
This should not be grey!

Add a little sour cream in there and I'm good.

I feel the same way about watching this. My father's sisters (who I seem to take after in a lot of ways) all had alzheimers and even though I only saw one Aunt who suffered, she clearly was suffering. You could see the frustration in her face when she couldn't recall something correctly and there were notes all

You are correct.

I have never heard anyone speak that, but I've seen it in writing oh, so many times.

My Mom actually says "when in doubt, do without."

And so many other life experiences.

You sound just like my Mom. That is a huge compliment.

Well said! But I love a tearjerker.

I've never read Nicholas Sparks. I'm a jaded older lady, so I wasn't really the correct demographic.

I've never thought about Garth Brooks, but now I like him too!

I'll admit I've read too many of Picoult's novels, they're enjoyable (in a guilty pleasure kind of way), but so formulaic.


Especially since Bette Midler was pretty risque in her youth. She just sounds old and crotchety.

Shut up Bette Midler. I'm not sticking up for Ariana Grande, because she pulled this same shit about Sandra Bernhard (or Madonna? too lazy to google).

Great read, thanks for the link!

Here is a great Dan Savage article about them!

Oh god, there are so many variables parenting, that it really does feel like a crap shoot sometimes! My sons did have a step-mom, who fortunately is a kick-ass woman herself. And believe me, the teen years were not perfect. I can't tell you how many times I corrected offensive language (faggot and retard were very

Republican or religious.

I'm not going to go back and listen, because you're probably right. I was just grasping at straws to make it not so horrible.