My wedding dress (the second) was red. That marriage didn't last either...
My wedding dress (the second) was red. That marriage didn't last either...
I am a redhead and I wear the hell out of red! (I don't know if I look awful in it or not, but I feel amazing in it)
The hot yoga studio I went to refused to let me leave when I said I was over it. It was a bad scene and probably made me a bit more rabid in my hatred toward hot yoga than I would have been without the experience.
Give it another few years and we'll start hearing about the detrimental effects.
Yeah, that was phrased poorly, and it certainly doesn't pertain to all dogs. But in general, I stand by my statement.
ding! ding! ding!
I will never get rid of my Off!
I love the smell of Off. It brings me back to childhood camping every time!
Unfortunately the least self-aware people will be the ones that continue these cycles.
Yet, there are some who still care.
I think people cared.
Just here to say Thank You! for your efforts in the medical field.
Is your real name Ginger? Do you have a friend named Adam (who now lives in NYC)?
Dang it, I knew I should have read the comments before responding.
So what's the address of ALLIPAC? I've got some old undies I could donate.
You might consider changing to "woman." "Lady" has baggage, too.
Personally, I'm no fan of "lady." It sounds like a judgment call.
"Other humans" refer to other humans. As in all other humans. She says thanks to whomever opens the door for her.
"Woman" is the correct term for an adult female. "Lady" is a judgment call (which is why it's icky).