It's a beautiful state! Hope you love it here.
It's a beautiful state! Hope you love it here.
Born in Ohio, teen years in New Mexico, as soon as I came to Oregon 30 years ago, I knew it was my home!
I meant to add, I'm 48.
I've had two children and can do all of those things. It's about genetics.
I understand what you're saying, but I say a baseball cap is a baseball cap. It's not a bonnet.
Me too.
Or the big bottle of liquor that I brought with me!
I've learned more about this since my original post. It's certainly not as one-sided as this makes it seem, but I haven't seen anything that details the harassment the driver's family has suffered. (but I haven't looked too far beyond this site)
Thank you. I'm finally coming to terms with this - now that me and my sisters are all around 50!
And the third girl is doomed to slackerhood, after being compared to her sisters her whole fucking life!
And here it is!
I've seen a couple posts saying this, so my opinion is evolving.
There is a vast difference between what you described (which is all valid) and having the audacity to sue the grieving family.
Incompetent for not applying their brakes. But they were hit from behind.
I think compassion and empathy would go a lot further towards ending the nightmare, but that's just me.
This is the dynamic in my household too! I have a very old dog, and a young cat. I got the cat when she was a tiny kitten, and she adopted the dog as her Mama. But the dog doesn't love the cat, but puts up with her - with a very annoyed look on her face.
I haven't done it myself (but I have eaten their leftovers), I'm just saying I'm not going to judge this. But I understand how icky it would seem to an observer.
If you're a poor Mom you give your kids the food first, but then you get whatever you can from their leftovers.
That's so sweet and sad.
Not really rocket science. SMH