
I hear Hillary Clinton really hated “Firefly.” You’d really own the libs by getting them to bring it back.

You know what liberal men really hate? Getting punched in the dick. They have such weak dicks they have to wear nut cups all the time to protect it.

Seriously, if there were any better indicator that large portions of the Republican party define themselves by hatred of liberals, it is this. We’ve got conservatives siding with a globalist move that exported American jobs, the exact kind of stuff they constantly bitch about...because it makes liberals angry.

Wendy’s didn’t want to pay workers so they exported the jobs to Mexico. That’s a globalist move that cost Americans their jobs.

I was having a pretty good day today. I’d aborted over a dozen babies, I’d gotten a couple of conservative co-workers fired for “hate speech”, and so for lunch I decided to visit Wendy’s. Not to purchase any food—like my fellow elites I only eat artisan kale salads prepared by women in hijabs— but rather to mock the

Yes. I had a friend contact me about rehoming a puppy she had bought for like $900. She was trying to re-sell it because she couldn’t keep it. I was trying not to laugh. No one wants a used puppy. No one would buy it so she had to give it to a shelter eventually.


Also I am not so sure if a human life is worth ANY amount of puppies. You’ll be hard pressed to find a more perfect example of pure, undistilled GOOD in the world, than a wonderful loving dog. They truly are wonderful remarkable animals and deserve to be treated well.

I go on Craigslist and click prohibited on all the breeders there.It doesn’t do much but at least it’s something.

I’m a shelter worker (actual brick-and mortar one), so I know, believe me.

Fun fact: we Californians can focus on and accomplish several tasks simultaneously...sooooooo thanks I guess? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I work in a shelter, I can assure you that a lot of people do not want to pay for a used puppy. They’ll pay $800 for a puppy at a store, but as soon as it enters the shelter, $100 is too much and they think they should get it for free. I’m dead serious. Puppies don’t have much resale value, they’re worse than cars

it’s not an off chance that puppy store puppies are from puppy mills. It is 100% the case. Good, reputable breeders don’t sell their puppies in stores.

When I’m on boring conference calls I go on Craigslist and click prohibited on all the breeders there. It doesn’t do much but at least it’s something.

Umm, false equivalency much?

Yep, only puppy mill owners are mad at this.

Spoiler alert: responsible breeders don’t sell their puppies to puppy stores. A pet store puppy is a puppy mill puppy.

The bill’s passage into law is worrisome for pet store owners who want to somehow stay in business—they argue that the bill lumps responsible breeders in with puppy mill owners

If you’re going to say something stupid, at least watch one of his videos before. The man is a Bernie style progressive liberal who has recently posted videos explaining his reluctance to say the n-word, even though he has a huge rap following that “is cool” if he used the word. Even then, the video isn’t about people

The whole point of satire is that, without context, it appears to be the real thing. Speaking of, this Fader article is lacking entirely in context. Do you propose that sarcasm be banned to avoid this type of confusion entirely, or will you continue to take hitpieces like this at face value?