
Something something we’ll have hybrids, something something unibody SUVs have a lower fuel economy penalty, something something ride height, something something more space, something something rugged

-The Big 3

This is what I don’t get. Every time Jalopnik commenters tell me “They’re making what the market demands!” I just wonder if they’re forgetting fifteen years ago. We went through this exact same thing. Americans bought stupid, giant SUVs when gas was cheap, gas prices spiked massively, everyone was fucked. And now

First, and Neutral: Gas will go up. Everybody will freak out. The players who kept making GOOD sedans will be ready.  Ford’s awesome new RWD Explorer will be the right product at the wrong time.

Jalopnik - “whats the deal GM, care to comment on why you’re telling everybody you’re banging my sister?”

I think it’s because, in this case the offending advert was also part of a larger, already much maligned campaign. Think of it like a combo multiplier in a videogame. People massaging stats and facts in adverts is an x2 multiplier, but this ad campaign’s hate combo has gone on for months (or has it been years

There’s no wrong answer here...

They were so popular that they’re not really worth much, especially the newer ones without Gamecube support.

Toyota Legal: Remove your commercial or we’ll sue for false advertising!

You get all the oil spots on your garage floor but with working turn signals.

Exactly! Finally the market has produced something for all those people who were clamoring for a car that has the prestige of a Toyota badge, but the maintenance costs of a BMW!


Clickbait article?  Ad-blocker on?  I don’t know who wins...I think we all lose.


I’ve proved people don’t appreciate true goodness.

Am I the crazy one that think it’s not a very good looking car?