Edward Velure

You have to stop putting yourself down like that, Savalas. Only you can set your own limits. So find the best damn tits you can find, and reach for the stars!

I love that a Fox News "news"man wants people to experience reality. Every time I see Hannity talk, I'm assuming he's doing the introduction for an episode of The Twilight Zone. I can't help also assuming that in the end, he'll write down the conclusions of his opinions on the wall, using nothing but his own feces.

You could give Seinfeld credit for many things, but "tackling issues" is not one of them. It's more like slowly spooning the issues. Maybe even slightly arousing the issues.

Can you make me a roast beef-shaped blanket?

The internet has taken so much. It's about time it gave something back. Didn't expect it to be potato salad though, but I guess the internet works in mysterious ways.