
I don't trust anyone who writes for TV, but I genuinely believe that public values have changed enough for this show to shy away from turning a strong, independent black woman into a simpering handmaiden to a white hick ex-cop. I'm going to stop watching if they actually go ahead and reassert old stereotypes.

Working on a sex farm
Trying to raise some hard love
Getting out my pitch fork
Poking your hay

How about "Sodapop" in The Outsiders? That was Okie, right?

And here come Freakazoid. You just don't have much time for Rick. It's a good, good thing.

It was actually quite raunchy.


Huh. You're right. I also thought Korl was having a bit of a think about things.

Nice one.

Jesus was immediately, obviously a great fighter. You don't immediately dry up that sort of resource.

Won't happen. That would alienate everybody. Michonne is as tough as hell. It is unbelievable to think in 2016 that a massively watched show would resort to those kinds of stereotypes. As shitty as the world is sometimes, I really think we have advanced beyond this.

Gawd, that's pretty negative.

With you Flame Off. I thought the scene was very well done — a logical development and actually very romantic. The fact they are a different colour is immediately obvious, but it's so common now in "real life" that surely this doesn't matter anymore. I really can't believe that this scene was shot to make a political

I thought it was a nice scene. Very naturally done and quite romantic.

I like his rebuttal style:

Or get a field gun and lob in some WP. I'm not American, but I'm assuming from US news shows that there's a military depot every 50km or so. What has stopped them?

Exactly. There were 4 or 5 very weak moments in this episode, and that was a stand out.

"Douche nozzles". Nice.

Your stalking of Jordan is brilliant stuff. Keep it up.


I'm with you. First time I have been here. Loved the review, and the commentary has been everything you could hope for: vicious, paranoid, weird and occasionally very funny.