
This was a fascinating read. Thanks for taking the time normally spent resting from your assumingly crazy job to play a game... about your crazy job!

Great review, Dr. Jeyasingam. I love the insight you give as a hospital administrator. Surgeons really will do that, you know, operate non stop ;p

Well yes, of course, but what I mean is that a “4/10" is meaningless in this context, because nothing about “4/10" signals that the reviewer enjoyed the game but wasn’t able to finish it because of a bug. It’s just a random number. The text of IGN’s review is useful to readers, but if you’re just scanning for scores

Well Nintendo got me to do what they were aiming for I guess. Never having played a Fire Emblem game before and only knowing some characters through Smash Bros I decided to give this app a shot.

Every time I’ve tried to slurp, I’ve caused a mess. Something about the way I do the deed causes the noodle to ‘flick’ as you get to the end of it, which inevitably causes little drips of broth to go everywhere... including the inevitable splatter on my glasses, which then requires me to stop eating and clean the

On the bright side, the acronym lends itself to some pretty pithy one-liners.

“You’ve been SHAT on!”

“Mess with welfare, prepare to be SHAT-tered!”

“Insert past-tense fecal reference here!”

ETA: One more, one more...

“In a world where social welfare programs are abused by faceless, poorly-defined ne’er-do-wells, only poo

Yes but can you date Barret?????

Def! Dude loves video games, Sony exec or not.

Was that the guy that was interviewed before and had an “old man” title put as description?

Hopefully this shakes up the “4-tank Meta” garbage going on, but I doubt it.

“...you can’t just hook someone, spin 180, and dump someone off a cliff.” 

So the poor kid from Parasyte grew up and got a day job and then it was ALSO a terrible horror festival?

At this point I’m practically avoiding it out of spite, which is never a good reason to avoid playing a classic game. Sorry, Jason. Maybe in 2017.

C’mon Jason -
Smash Bros is only a game where you take a character (or team), and have them fight against another character or (team) in an arena level, of varying sizes, until either side is victorious.

Clearly that isn’t a fighting game. It’s just so obvious.

Street Fighter V, on the other hand:
A game where you

It is literally a game where you pick characters from a roster and make them fight one another.

I love that they have included this in the patch notes and how they’ve described it.

Oh my god.

You should add pics of the festive ensemble and the chick-mog tee... luckily they are available XD

You deserve credit for framing the discussion in a way that does not make one side “right” and one “wrong” and that needs to be done more often. I have never been so happy to be wrong before. I like this place and I get a bit bummed out when it gets all shouty here. Nicely done.