Aggie 11

Is T-Mobile changing the limit really news? AFAIK they’re just basing it on how much data the average customer uses so it’s going to constantly change. It’s gone nothing but up as I remember it being 22GB a few months ago. They are using the same definition of unlimited now as they were then. It is unlimited in the

Let me get this out of the way, The Witcher 3 is the best game ever made.

WD-40 is NOT a lubricant. When will people figure this out. Go buy some white lithium or silicone based spray nonsense if you want to lubricate something.

God bless you. I’m at work and can’t view the video. And, regardless of where i am, i can’t stand lazy “journalism” that only links to someone else’s video and hard work.

Or if I see two cops within 50 yards of a black man minding his own business.

I know people that own them and are members of PCA that say porsch just because they know it bothers simple minded people.

Reads this comment , stops reading.

It’s the AUSTRALIAN summer update.

the E63 is a bit down on power, and the performance reflects that. However, the Tesla is rated to go 335 miles on a charge. The Mercedes can go about 50 miles farther.

Do you have piss jugs? Why would you want to without a stop?

II can’t do that with my jeep so I’m willing to give it a pass on that.

“...it paid 40 percent of its earnings to a traffic company that ran the unmanned speed camera system...”

Because cops overreact all the time. Open carry has nothing to do with this. It wasn’t a kidnapping they were investigating. It was a civilian’s misunderstanding of something they had seen. There’s no need to draw your weapon unless you perceive danger. Cops should make that call, not just draw. That’s how innocent

Basically, a Jean-Ralphio who is in charged of our nuclear codes.

This is AT&T’s way of saying “We don’t want your business at that low of a price”.
There is a certain point that a low-paying customer isn’t worth the hassle, especially on a post-paid plan where they have to try to collect money.
They would rather you use GoPhone, which they own, and get your money up-front.
If you do

The trailer for Dredd was also awful but the film was great.

How they ruined that game still makes my heart hurt

Could of told us what Aperol is and tastes like...

Except don’t districts level up by being surrounding by other districts? So you have to choose between stretching for resources or staying compact for bonuses.

Endless Legend is pretty great for the 4X genre. The combat is very different from CIV and the sci fi setting is cool. It might even be on sale (steam) right now! ——Just checked, and yup! its about 10 bucks. Worth it.