Funny, my new 22 Tucson won’t turn on the screen about every 1/10 times. Enough to be annoying but not enough for me to bother calling the dealer. Seems more serious than I though, though, and that they don’t have a choice but to check it out.
Funny, my new 22 Tucson won’t turn on the screen about every 1/10 times. Enough to be annoying but not enough for me to bother calling the dealer. Seems more serious than I though, though, and that they don’t have a choice but to check it out.
Can confirm my 22 Tuscon has signals and reverse at the very bottom. Annoying but they make up for it by being crazy bright I guess. I’m glad they are at least separate amber, though. I think it should be mandatory.
Seriously... where the hell did this title come from if not to show WTF the “Candies of 2021" actually ARE?!
You said you didn’t just come to bitch. I don’t think that means what you think it means...
It’s really amazing how it proves that you can’t always throw money at a problem. How many billions and Siri can’t win.
This. Hell I’ll cough up $20 a speaker to just let Sonos add Siri to the half a dozen units I already have in my home. If you can put Siri in a freaking Evobee you can put it in my Ones and Beams.
Honestly the best Star Trek right now, The Orville included!
Xbox’s are so easy to get in comparison that we had people stop scalping them because it took too long to sell at a profit.
Best Buy Total Tech is $200 a year not $300.
On the other and, if you CAN get one, which I found not that hard to do with restock notifications, the resale value on old ones are fantastic. I sold my Xbox One S for $300... which is exactly what I paid for it 4 years ago. This means my Series X was only $200, can’t beat that deal.
It might get called clunky for setting up and importing your existing playlists from other service, but once it’s setup it’s a very easy interface.
How did I never connect that Teal’c voices Kratos?
This has been the same message communicated all year. We actually got our vaccines early for our age and occupation because we (my wife obviously ) were pregnant in March.
Your name checks out. Pretty silly to chromecast to the tv instead of using the Sonos app on a Sonos speaker…
It’s not.
One thing it did is break texting from my watch for me. Before you could select a default dictation it message and it was a single tap to dictate and then send. Now you hit the stupid “app” button and then select dictate and so on and it’s so annoying. Let me pick what I want to shortcut!
The prophecy is starting to be fulfilled!!
There should be a lot of military guidon bearers that could clean at these events if they ever tried. I was never up for it but the bearers for units at TAMU will regularly hold them, weighing many pounds more, for hours at a time over their heads. Sometimes while running/hiking many miles.
Well to be fair there are only 7 of you, so it makes sense most of the other brands forgot you were there.
If you check the Steam page it is already filled with reviews mentioning this news piece in a positive way.