Aggie 11

Unfortunately I got mostly fucked by the State of Texas run H&H loans and only mildly fucked by my federal loans. Oddly enough Wells Fargo have been the easiest to deal with of all three evem though they just exited the market!

How the hell was this 11 years ago and not a more reasonable number like 5 or 6?

I can’t tell if you just didn’t get the joke or you’re one of the people that this article is about and you don’t realize it.

“Would your client possibly want to?” is weak ass language coming from a supposed professional salesperson.

Greats points all around.

I think your description s reversed as a Switch charges at a max of 30w while the laptop is 60w.

I think your description s reversed as a Switch charges at a max of 30w while the laptop is 60w.

I need this specifically explained in relation to clips of Hammond and Clarkson overheating the AWD systems on a Porsche while trying to barrel race in the sand on Top Gear.

Damn first Dying Light 2 and now this.  Once this game came up on my radar it was probably one of my most anticipated.

“1066 and all that” isn’t just an essay, its a required children’s book for grasping the basics of British history and a fun read at that!

No wonder you’re complaining as that is a terrible technique and a waste of time.

No wonder you’re complaining as that is a terrible technique and a waste of time.

Oh my, joining a free notification service that tells you when drops have gone live. Seems like the first or second try might not see results but with... patience... you can nab one at MSRP.

Oh my, joining a free notification service that tells you when drops have gone live. Seems like the first or second

Lots of places with patience...

Lots of places with patience...

I still can’t get past...

It is not “just”  a sliding door and flat load.  I have a 120+ lb Dane that is over 10 years old.  I would kill for the ability to have them walk right into the car.  I drool over minivans that I can someday replace my Camry with.

Considering the current speedrun is 12 hours, I feel like you can choose 60 easily by not doing as many side quests.

Humbug.  If I can’t get 60 hours out of a game I probably won’t buy it.

Yeah I had the opposite experience like an idiot but I’m not worried long term. I figured what the hell and bought $500 AMC when it was on the upswing, but was unlucky on the timing and it has not gone back near there since. Right now I’m out about $200, but owing to the fact that you literally can’t buy it right now

Halfway though the trailer the Forknife style visuals are definitely NOT what I’m looking for...

When I did my semester abroad at the University of Queensland in Brisbane they actually taught this to us during our international student orientation and gifted us all a box of TimTams and some hot cocoa mix to try!

I am less surprised at who and how it was invented and more amazed that the bottled version wasn’t around until 1983.