Matthew Abel

Space Police? You'd need someway to identify them... something that couldn't be counterfeited.

No lie, that sounds hilarious. I would have burst out laughing.

I've always thought that as well, though I believe Gotham's original inspiration was NYC at night. Like, Metropolis was the day and Gotham the night. Over time, it became where-ever it needed to be, but I've always reckoned Chicago. Metropolis, as you say, has ALWAYS been an analogue of NYC, so it is strange.

So, does he hate The Dark Knight? Because I know some folks didn't dig it. Just sounds like a guy pissed at the zeitgeist to me.

Hey now, lots of people eat pork rinds!

Man, I dig this list but I think some of your "worst" choices are a bit off. Whatevs. As soon as I saw that pic, I was hoping for Rickman and Weaver. They are both amazing, but Weaver really deserves that top spot, as you have it.

Corbin Dallas in Fifth Element.

Heck yes on all that, especially Rickman. There is nobody else who could have played that role as well.

If it aired properly, it would make the Doctor's line about being together again "in the flesh" a bit more apropos.

Ummm, wow. Even the preview still is NSFW.

Pfh, they can't fool me. It's turtles all the way down.

I agree - the Fry/Leela b-plot seemed very shoehorned. It might have been better if it was teh forefront, but I don't know.

Some shows do indeed go on too long. Whilst not Sci-Fi, I would use Scrubs as the best recent example. It was hampered by the writer's strike, surely, but they managed to pull out a fairly good ending and then they just had to keep on going.

I also reckon rats eat rats, soooo, the rat-infested places see zero-sum rat corpse.

And Another Thing was pretty poor. I couldn't get through the first couple chapters and gave up. I didn't appreciate the different writing style and the way the guide entries were incorporated, and it really wasn't well done imo.

I agree. The best Superman stuff is when he's being Good, but not acting Better. My favorite bits are mostly from All-Star Superman.

I don't know. It looks pretty pale to me.

I hope they honestly have a plan and aren't just blowing smoke. A fourth season is more than I could have hoped when that second season started - four seasons for a fairly niche genre show is pretty tight. Especially with a lot of early episodes that aren't what I'd call "required viewing."

Woof, that first half of season one. I watched it pretty slowly. But the second half - The Second Half!

I like the framing device idea. She shows up at houses and explains something. Maybe not every episode, but it would add some heft to what SyFy could easily turn into something overly campy.