Edward Earl

Also, we see that by saving a life instead of taking a life things were made better. It actually solidies or confirms the changes in Cole. This is why it hurts him soo deeply that Cassie has changed so much for the worse. The conflict within the characters that is going on is great. (Probably more so in Jennifer's

Totally agree. I thought the article was a hit job. This show is great.

I'm not sure everyone understands the larger picture here. The fact that Deacon's dad didn't kill his mom which would have left Deacon without a mother is fairly big. It shows that this may be a different Deacon than the one from season 1. It shows that Ramse potentially changed the timeline for Deacon. It also

I wish people would stop coming on 12 Money reviews and talking about Helix!

One thing you are right about is this. Her actions weren't her own. She
was controlled by fate. The reason she had to shoot Ramse was because he was fated to be shot. But because Cole, who is not bound by fate any longer, didn't shoot him she had to. The reason Cole is not bound by fate any longer is because of his

Great point. Ramse was fated to get shot. When Cole, who is no longer bound by fate, didn't shoot him Cassie had to shoot him. Ramse was also fated to die in the facilities. But Cole who is no longer subject to fate due to his paradox injection last week took him out of the facilities and changed the timeline. So

I disagree I think she's great. You should watch her webisodes…especially the last one "The Interview".

What you fail to realize is that there was
a reason why it appeared that it was a "rinse repeat" cycle. Each
time Cole came back from the past, guess who he talked to and discussed what he did with? Ramse. And when Ramse went back into the past he took that information with him. He has been working with the Army of

If you listened to the lady who drugged Cass she said they are guardians of time. It is a sort of religion. The have the motivation to ensure that the original time line is not changed. I think Ramse plays are part in their team somehow. Perhaps he is the witness.