Mustard Yellow Abortion

Maybe the so called Christian Right should keep their word about anything, just once, to native people

Oh yes so brave. If we didn’t have cops who would show up two hours late after a break in an shoot your dog?

Holy crap.

got an online quote, took it in and I then had to haggle and shit over the price they offered to me in-person, which was two grand lower than the online quote. I expected them to come in lower than the online quote, but not so drastically lower.”

Jezebel thinks they can fix him

And SOME people say ivermectin is the way to go

Can you find something to watch via your browser, add it to your watch list, and then watch if from your TV?

Ever been to Sonic?  You order over a speaker, this could have been going on for years

So here’s what will actually happen: Instead of having one person at one drive thru handing one order stream, for minimum wage, they will have one person handling 5 to 10 places, with different menus, toggling back and forth over a crappy internet connection. for minimum wage. And they will be expected to upsell, know

Whatever, Ivan.

Aztek you word for it

I’d say there is a 40% chance Putin takes him down just for running his mouth

Putin is too old for striking, the fast twitch reflexes go, but if he gets a hold of of some one the judo would take hold.

some of you don’t follow Kinglazyeye on tik tok and frankly, it shows

Can we just get a gofundme up to pay manchin and Sinema to do the right thing?

you raise money in a PAC you have a way to launder money, avoid taxes, tats all this is.

This..they (racists) are just mass reporting any woke, lefty, or otherwise non Maga accounts they can find

Rudy Guiliani and Judge Jeannine’s Uber driver? I think you mean Rudy and Jeannie ARE uber drivers.  And Trump is still broker.

Don’t squawk about honor, the GOP has had none for a very long time.