Mustard Yellow Abortion

Mmm. I don’t know why you have such a selective memory.

Frankly this movie is MEH and a flop, but all those sites keep pumping it up.


This Birds of Prey hype across all the Gawker sites is off the chain

What is the policy for disclosing which reviews are bought and paid for?

This! I have a friend who has opened five or six places, and in most of them he finds a failed place, turns it around with minimal investment, and then sells if off a few years later.

I think you bring up an important point, the “vanity” restaurant.

You people, Pete was thinking brunch because gays be loving that brunch.

Joe Bang:  I, Am. In. Car. Sir. Rated.

How the hell loud do you chew, sugar bee?

Watch zero movies at one of those dinner-and-a movie theaters: You’re getting the worst of both worlds, you can’t talk and the expensive-ass snacks are worse than whatever you could make for yourself at home.”

Id still give WaWA by business over some company like Jimmy Johns,

White guy here, didnt google. Curious to see how many I got right.

You’re thinking of Benjamin Cumberbund, the Nascar driver was Dick Trickle

“host Ainsley Earnhardt  “ Wasn’t that the blond Republican who was on West Wing for two seasons?

Straight white guy here, 54.

Kushner, who is part of Team Trump, helped MBS kill Khashoggi, by leaking US intel to MBS

Wost case of “whattaboutism” I’ve seen in a while.

Are you high?

Let m,e guess, these girls all want to see the manager