Mustard Yellow Abortion

unfounded conjecture

Hey, the incels go toe “TRumpNews.com” or info wrts, then pretend it’s like they got whatever trash ‘facts” from a marble tablet.

You know what would fix this?

If he didn’t have a 100 round magazine, he’d just be some random asshole.

Just a reminder, he was on the R#dskins and got traded for this idiot:

Yeah, we need to talk about that, agree

Holy Crap.

Seriously....Tyrod taylor took your tem to the playoffs and you got rid of him>  Not even the R#D skins are that racist.

Go on, this post really needs to be fleshed out

WTF did Pedro do? Whoa.

Walking naked while white:

That looks more like a meth lab on wheels.

Oh come on. Regular women , or men for that matter, don’t deserve crap for how they look. But there are a bunch of twitch streamers who just use sex appeal for eye balls, and calling them out for doing it is just being honest.

Or leave a nice note for the home owner.

Thats dumb.

How is “Pizza hut considers copying Little caesars “ is news at all> WTF?

Protests didn’t stop Hitler, Stalin, Mao or pol Pot.

The women’s march did not stop Trump, the scuM bag is still the Gov in PR, and Hong Kong is about to get crushed by the mainland China military.

this is the least embarrassing picture of Hope Solo