Edward Appleby

Got a letter through the door the other day from the council saying that the local students, (myself included) and the noise we created led some bloke to divorce his wife haha! I think there may have been some underlying issues in their marriage before they heard a house party at 00:12 AM

“I won’t rest until I shit on all the big comic book franchises!”

Shit, Disney oughta just start a Kickstarter for MCU fans to donate to. That’d close the gap fast.

I’m so into Adam Ant, I laced my bones with it.

Daniel Craig reconfirms his return to James Bond dumptruck full of money.

Hey, speaking as someone who has been watching The Simpsons since the very beginning and who considers it an inextricable part of his personality, you should check out The Problem With Apu. It’s a well-made documentary and may make you think twice about the character, even if you love him. It’s okay to love things

Maybe if your show’s been on so long that one of your first characters is now a modern version of Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, you should just make something new.

I can’t believe this show is still on, but I can believe a show that stopped being funny 20 years ago has writers and producers this out of touch with the current cultural climate of America.

“What’s on the menu, today?”

No one, and I mean no one, went to see Pacific Rim to see Charlie Human (because that’s how bland he is). They want to see, in order:

Well, there’s also the consideration that “color blind” casting usually defaults white. I don’t think anyone would have been mad about it if they’d cast a Hispanic woman, or a black woman, as the Biologist. One reason this is a problem is because any time the race of a character isn’t relevant, it’s usually cast white.

I didn’t take it that she was knocked unconscious. Remember we don’t know what Leia at that point knows about the force. Just as the shots were fired towards the bridge and Leia sensed Ben, she seemed to almost accept her fate... whatever that may be. That’s a very Jedi move! Then she just closes her eyes before the

I love Freddy Frog.... Very underused character, glad to see another fan!

I suppose seeing the trainwreck that results from studio “sensibilities” and Goyer’s incompetence would at least be interesting...

This could be the first step towards making Patton Oswalt’s Parks and Rec, Star Wars / Marvel, pitch happen.

Hmmm... I don’t know, that Cell costume still needs some work to be perfect.

a deal will come to fruition due to Fox being rather bullish about its desire to let go of its purely entertainment branch

Coastal Texan here. Eat my ass.

Can we please have some flashbacks to the island K’un-L’un every episode, and maybe a cameo from John Barrowman ever once in a while?