
Arguably CNG would be a far better, more cost effect solution compared to hydrogen. But even that was a non-starter. And with higher natural gas prices these days, CNG will go nowhere. And if a business case can’t be made for CNG, the situation will be even worse for the cost of hydrogen given that most hydrogen is

Wouldn’t biodiesel/synthetic fuels be both less disruptive and likely less expensive in the long run?

The burrito you eat today is the glorious shit your produce tomorrow.

This guy gets it.

This is my 2430th—and final—blog as this site’s night man. After five years of writing here almost every day, I am moving on to pursue a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I will still occasionally publish some freelance posts here, and really want to see what Bob can do with the place.

Sir Herb has said we can’t do

I get why these cars were panned back in the day, given the strange ergonomics and lack of space. However, I love to see what’s great about every car and I think that these had a lot going for them. I bet if they had the chance at a second generation GM could have worked out those kinks. And you bet I’m going to enjoy

As I suspected. I never blame anyone for asking for more money, but I fully expected that the pearl clutching about the pay in that factory was rather misplaced.

I’m 150 north of Mobile. I remember Katrina.

Aside from that being the ugliest convertible ever made, students need practical cars like hatchbacks. They move around a lot, they have no money, and probably want to bring their friends.

Chevy volt. Best college car ever. Tons of space, lots of free charging on college campuses. Super reliable.

Matrix over the Corolla.  

No, I said there are nice houses for $150k USD there. I didn’t say a person working for $3 an hour at ford could afford it. Please practice reading comprehension, thank you.

Sure I should point out that out two people makes it easier to afford and these days both partners are typically working in Mexico. The hypothetical person could also buy a $50k USD house in the suburbs there. The greater point is that I’m simply saying there are cheaper options down therethan people think. It’s

I think you’re missing the point. There are cheaper houses, apartments there. The point is that you can live on that wage just fine down there. I know this for a fact. I’m not saying they don’t deserve more but it’s entirely possible.

I’m not saying it shouldn’t be better, but some people on here are losing their minds saying it’s pure evil, which it isn’t.

No but they can buy a 75 or 100k house and pay it off over 30-40 years. You missed the whole point clearly.

It all matters. I would prefer not to live on cat food in retirement.

Most countries that have national health insurance have some sort of optional private coverage as well for things that the national plan doesn’t cover. Private rooms, more elective surgeries, that sort of thing. And I believe Germany is actually ENTIRELY private, but everyone is required to have coverage and the rates

People need to put this in better perspective because there are too many angry responses on here. This is, in fact, slightly low pay but it’s not that bad for living in Mexico. My father in law is a retired vice principal from the public school system in Mexico City, my brother in law is a teacher in Mexico City and

Since they live in a more civilized country that probably provides some level of health care etc. just by living there “benefits” becomes much less of an issue. And the value of the crap that employers have to pay in the US really should be deducted from pay when making comparisons to other countries.