
Plenty of Jalops will buy the 2018 Stinger - in 2026.

thats the biggest hope i have for autonomous driving. it has the possibility of making riding a motorcycle an order of magnitude safer. at least the cars will hopefully be paying attention since the driver already isnt. if its safer for all of us maybe sales will go up. 

IMHO Victory and HD are Boomer driven. Boomers will age out with not many GenX-ers and Mellinials interested in taking their place. Am I wrong?

Yeah I’m not sure about that one either, that is why I made it clear that figure did not come from me.

True, though fortunately the pre-Fiat powerplants are holding up pretty well. And the Cummins, of course.

I call B.S. on $10k being the manufacturer’s cost of compliance. At this point, the particulate filter and SCR components have become standardized technology- it is no longer bleeding edge emissions technology. The BMW diesel options and the Colorado diesel options, for example, do not cost $10k extra and there is no

There’s a difference between wearing chaps with pants and without though. Should it change to ass exposed chaps? That’s how I’ve always heard the expression though.

Would honestly love to take a look at that, if it wasn’t for the fact that practically all U.S. Kia dealerships are the worst hellholes to have a parking lot. My experiences rank it close to somewhere between walking around a prison in assless chaps and sawing off my own leg.

They made 21 Hemi Cuda verts over the course of two years, manuals and autos counted. Rarity is one defining character of an exotic. This makes it more exotic than any of the mass produced commoner cars on the list. Hell, even counting the coupes the others are still outnumbering the Europeans (And the Vette) by a

Vegas and Pintos just remind me of impending doom. It’s like The Big Three had engineers that were hamstrung, management that was arrogant, union workers and management who hated each other and new government regs of safety, economy and emissions that conspired to give us cars that were made like shit, by people who

These cars were beyond awful even when brand spanking new. Not only were the engines very prone to blowing head gaskets, but these were made right around the time GM was having some serious labor and union issues. I’ve heard stories where soda cans or bottles were left inside the doors, bolts and screws were simply

Speaking of those mismatched doors. Those are clearly rear doors. Note the random license plate on the side. And you can see the hole above it where the plate light was.

This CR-V just leap-frogged ahead all compact crossovers in terms of cargo space, efficiency and overall refinement. I’ll be driving the 2017 RAV4 next week, with a full review on Clavey’s Corner, so stay tuned.

Yes! People loved the Saturn culture. I don’t think it was just your zone either. Whatever the faults, Saturn, at least initially, proved that you could compete on customer satisfaction within the mid to lower end. It wasn’t just the car but the complete experience and I don’t know that anyone else was offering that

If I could star this comment a hundred times, I would. I keep saying this - this is the proper way to do things, and incidentally is what BMW owner's manuals recommend.

The reason has nothing to do with fuel or my latent desire to pollute your driveways — it has to do with oil. When your car has been sitting out overnight, all the lubricating oil that's coating all of the crucial, moving bits of the car has settled down to the bottom of the oil pan. When the temperatures are really