
The sounds of cicadas are associated with my fondest childhood memories  - I absolutely love them. I can’t imagine trying to get rid of them. (From Kentucky, if that matters.)

I don’t read/go to/whatever The Drive.
So I’m glad it has been posted here, even if it is a week “behind.” 

This is my favorite Si by far. IMO, Civics in general really went downhill after this.

Heeeeck no. I’ve known several people with Caravans around that year, and they’ve all had major issues.

Great point!

Ah, good point! Thank you - I had missed that. 

I honestly don’t understand how the cheapest car on this list is an average of $37k.
Are there really that many people who can afford such an expensive vehicle? Or are they just getting crazy extended loans and buying what they can’t afford? 

cause he’s the hiphopopotamus, that’s why

As a 75 MGB owner, I agree that it sounds as if the brakes have not properly been bled.

I hated it.
-We had a long rural route through tons of hills and curves, which was not good for my motion sickness.

Or just use the Bridgestone tires I have on my van, which are apparently made out of a baby’s eyelashes. They’ll spin just fine - no stalling at all!

What kind of range would the electric mail trucks have? I spent some time on Google but couldn’t find it.

I live outside of town, but people like my mom live waaaaaay out in the boonies. Some of those mail carriers go super far, and in the winter, road conditions are... unfortunate.
My question is this: Would the

A girl at my high school got basically trampled by a deer while running a cross country race once. Honestly it was awful, and I’ve never looked at deer the same way since.
(She fully recovered, but had cracked ribs and some pretty incredible bruises.)

I wonder if the Tesla-ites will be happy with your title, since you mention the perfect landing before the massive explosion?

ND, anyone who pays that much for it should be arrested. 


I changed my bookmark to It shows up there!

I feel like an idiot. I was thinking of the new Bolt. 

Doesn’t want all electric! 

I’m usually flabbergasted by most of the suggestions on these articles, but all of them today seem really good!