
Cheap and reasonable are extremely relative. Most people I know think a $150k house is fairly cheap - but that’s 50k out of my price range.

“Harleys are pretty reliable”

This is a problem, but so are real-estate prices.


I mean... I guess it’s slightly better. There seem to be 30 or so fewer fake vents, so that’s a plus.

Literally every human knows what a hyperbole is. 

I love how it doesn’t make me want to gouge my eyes out! Just that means Elantra N > Civic Si

Most Darts I can find are 7k or more (granted most are stock with fewer miles).

I really like this bike, but...


It really is nice for what it is.... but what it is, as you said, is a cheap car in the first place.

ND. Needs to be thrown out with the rest of the leftovers nobody wants.


Don’t forget the Mt. Dew runs for your infant. 

Didn’t Doug DeMuro have a video about this? Or maybe it was someone else?

Straight to hell where they belong! 

I mean. At least it’s less repulsive than the current generation.

This car is beautiful and I would love to own it, but that price is crazy.

I dunno, it looks just about as good as other Buick’s of the time. 

Honestly Fisher Price has much better build quality.