
What happened to the rest of Bjorn’s army? He sent them to Kattegat, right? Where are them?

I cursed Philip, when he didnt calm Charles during turbulence, like he did with his sister. Come on man, you did so well with your nazi sister, what about your own son?

at first I tohough the kid was an imaginery kid. I still think he can be. Except by the scene where the movie employee tells that the kid passed throuhg that place.

thats because Laegherta is so, so , so beautiful. lol

my question is: Why the heck they need so much that portal? If Barry can simply open a breach and get everyone through?

I dont watch Legends, didint know people liked her so much. Her face move less then Amel’s. Is it botox? Only her lips move, the rest is rock solid.

What about the silent shots of Carol on those walkers with the kid, using no silencer?

“And then there’s Rick, who starts the hour with yet another speech (this one delivered by letter and voice-over), which… look, his speeches are terrible. Let’s just leave it at that.”

Where do I watch the webisodes? Plse.

Why the TV Club now has a kinja comment system? I cant access from work anymore. What should I do? Work? COME ON!!!

Why the TV Club now has a kinja comment system? I cant access from work anymore. What should I do? Work? COME ON!!!

Why the TV Club now has a kinja comment system? I cant access from work anymore. What should I do? Work? COME ON!!!

maybe the chains were with the giants, who didnt bother to show up, when little wights couldnt swim.

My question is: Why leave with your army, wait for Jon to resurface, then return to reanimate the dragon?

well, there is a lot of lines written up there, even more than in some reviews.

wise words

The Strigmaid's Tale.

didnt recongize him. I thought they changed the actor.

may be gross, but not comic. well, point of views.

"is presented as comic relief why?" WHAT??
I didnt get any comic vibe on that scene. Are you a psico? lol