
that got to me, Why Wrench took 5 years to kill Emmit? Was he spending all his money, and when it ended, he decided to revenge Nikki? c'mon indead!!

I believe he opened and closed aftwards. Like he eats and regurgitates. Hes just too creepy.

that fireplace would never light up. lol

People are complaining because now its getting familiar with the real world.

I believe americans, in general, dont like to have their political stuff portrayed like that. Like a gut punch of reality.
But, thats none of my business. (sorry bad english).

To all americans that are bitching about the show, I can only say this: Reality is a bitch, yo!!

Thats OK. But to be honest I watched the 6th episode today and I laugh twice. lol

sorry about that. I am not american. Just trying to make a pun with little knowledge of the language. lol

I liked first season, but this one so far its rolling my eyes all the time.

did you laugh anytime during the first 4 episodes?
Shouldnt be the point of a comedy (sitcom), to make you laugh?

I hate to be a hater, but it should be called "Master of None Laughs" (Watched only episodes 1-4)

Iam on episode 4 and I have had none laughs so far. Should I drop the show?

I cant remember this plot at all. And what had to do with Dar? Was a 3some?

I think they hate her because of the manipulation of the bots. The internet dictates what people think. Like she said on the interview, 1.5M comments (of 2M) were posted on the first few minutes of the video. The protesters are the other 500K.

All the time they were mentioning Germany and I completely forgot what Saul did there. Can you tell me?

few things can

in 2 things I agree with the reviewer: That Quinn should have gone on season 5 and that a new guy should pick up the reviews next year.

wow…When I first starded reading your comment I was thinking: This stup1d american must be a TWD defender and has the gut to say that. And you confirmed. Damn, thats why good shows get cancelled and shitty ones (like TWD) have the biggest audience of all.
What a shame!!

too much 9gag on my life. lol

American person, plse. Use your Tardis to bring Darabont back.