
Shows Sasha with headphones: ow look, the back of my head, from the inside!!

the correct answer: It is a lazy TV Show.

thats exactly what happened.

there is no excuse to make such a poor CGI. Its THE most watched show on the USA. That view of the junkyard last episode and this deer, are just terrible.

If you could, you should read some brazillians reviews on . But as an american, I dont think you would like what you read.
But I agree that Zack is not doing a great job.

doesnt seem smart to argue about inconsistences on this show. there's always people to defend it. un F**ing believeable…

no it wasnt…lol
Mrs. Hudson driving like a boos in a muscle car, with choppers chasing her…that was awesome.

Yeah…when he tells is going to take sherlock to his favourite room, it was a huge red flag. Watson should had got that.

What "Ditto" means?

I second that!!

I get your opinion, but Elementary is a cop show, not a Sherlock show. And I dont watch it beacuse of this. Its a whole episode doing simple investigation as any order cop show, and then there is a glimpse of deduction from Sherlock. No way near of the Benedicts SHerlock.
So I politely refute your opinion. lol (sorry

I said it…but after you…lol

a really poor executed scene. But I believe she "started the jump" before the old lady pulls the trigger.

I think Watson is mad because Sherlock incite the anger on the lady. He pushed her for the shot.
And I also believe he did that to protect Mary, to take the heat, but didint count on her jumping in front of the bullet (a poor executed scene, by the way).

E works for Moriarty.

And HOW in the world, Negan took a shot to the tip of Luccile and she didint break or hit back hard on his head? Does Negan have super strenght?

Im still struggling on how the heck Negan knew that bullet was manufactered? Could be a bullet that someone hid on the underware, found on the street, kept on a drawer as a souvenir.

I get that…but he should at least have said something, and then they beat him anyway. A simple: It was like this when I got here, would sufice.

so, from the moment Spencer decided to talk to Negan, you didnt know he was gonna get killed? Youre not watching it right.

teens dont have hormones. When the world ends, they loose the ability to get horny.