
best answer so far.

no no…Carl is super dupper. He went all that trouble to kill Negan, he hold a M4 right in front of him, and didnt shoot. Not because he was affraid to kill anyone (he killed 2), but just because….well, there is no explanation.

watch it again and you will see that Bernard unlocks that option with his high clearance.

saddly yes.

and, after watching both episodes, I dont agree at all with the grades. I think a A- for WW and C+ for TWD.

I get what you said.

you mean, the WW was a C episode, or what he wrote justify a C?
because I dont agree with all of his writings about WW. And Im gonna watch the episode now.

When I see that The Walking Dead scored the same (B+) as Westworld in AVC, I tremble and fear to read the review. Ohhh Zack….

probably the barrier of the language…lol

sorry for the use of the word "committee". Dont know how to express in english sometimes. But I know there is a "movement" (like the parents associations lol)or something that pressure the networks when the content is out of their level. I bunch of people finding everything offensive.

but its the american audience that counts for the advertisement e money!!

That's why. You just proved my point.

Sorry. English is not my first language.

@keith_melton:disqus Did anyone here talked about the different logo on the computer screen on the 82 floor? The same logo that shows when William arrives at the train terminal. another proof of the 2 timelines theory.

I didnt mean to hurt you. you shouldnt care for my opinion, really. But this is my opinion. You are trying to defend an angle that is inexistent.

maybe the clothes are in the dry cleaning. To remove blood stains.

I liked your theory, and now Im trying to guess how its gonna develop at the end of the season.

I started tho read AVC when Breaking Bad was on. Some great insights on the art direction, picture, etc…but now the review is so shallow.


Im reading a lot of yout comments, and Im here thinking: she's just embarrassing herself.