Eduardo Puertas


They did a focused take of Ned's sword in the Tower Of Joy Lyanna scene, and I wonder the intent behind that. Like we know they melted into Oathkeeper's Brienne sword and the Joffrey sword. Like, could it be foreshadowing something?!

Also, I can't believe we finally get to say LYANNA IS JON'S MOM.

The music was so good. The wildfire blowing up the High Septon. Natalie Dormer's performance. All the Tyrells really. And it ties with the scene of the knots earlier in the season, where now they're all gettin' ready to take their places, putting their game faces on, what they're supposed to be, strapping themselves

What an excellent series. Loved it, the narrative and the photography were superb! Wish it gets picked up for a 2nd season.

Think of Daenerys burning in S1…she was meek and fearful. Think Daenerys burning now…just saying.

The fact that these two episodes follow each other makes a case of unison of the sum of parts but it has to be in harmony. Look at the Watermelon Stevens, who first fear Malachite and then rise up agaisn't. And they've tackled the whole harmony fusion theme several times already. But then we have the Cluster, who

Thing is, the animals itself are amazing but there's something slightly off when placed in the lightning of the context. And for all its cgi achieving awesomeness, I don't think it looks as astoundingly real as Life Of Pi.

I feel the same, jokes are not as fresh as S1-S2. But Trey's arc and the possible Ilana and Lincoln fall are the standouts. 3/4 in, I just hope they take the 3 episodes left and fill 'em with everything that made it great before. So far, Co-Op (Barely), Rat-Pack and this one (B&B NY) are the closest to S2 magic.