Nothing gives more confidence in how works the nuclear chain of command that someone too drunk even for Russian standards
Nothing gives more confidence in how works the nuclear chain of command that someone too drunk even for Russian standards
Rockets used to deliver satellites have significant differences to M/SRBM missiles, so it will not be a simple task.
To China, North Korea is a complex issue. In one side, they have problems with them because their regime has a too extremist version of socialism and Beijing is improving relations with Seoul. Also, the day Pyongyang collapses, China is going to have its own refugee crisis in their borders.
The China knockoff tugboat would be also “inspired” in the design of a USSR-made tugboat full of rust they bought in Ukraine.
It was because the arms restriction we had during Pinochet’s dictatorship. Since 1990, the Ley Reservada del Cobre (A restricted law that transfers funds from the state-own cooper company CODELCO to the armed forces) and the lifting of that restrictions, allowed each branch start to buy a lot of stuff.
Wow, that’s a pretty ugly rendering/design, even for military standards.
That rockets are enough powerful to catch and destroy ANY other airplane around them*.
I think that vehicle isn’t worth even the round fired from a real tank. In a real battle, the most easy way to destroy would be driving a tank to crash and crush it.
The problem is that US policy is also towards “allies” that had created a lot of the problems in the zone. The US in the region has supported almost all the bad guys in the region, since the Shah in Iran in the 70s, Hussein in the 80s, a few years ago Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and now Saudia Arabia and Al-Sisi in Egypt.
Because of long historical reasons (including Cyprus) they have a bad relationship with Turkey. Is weird because Greece is within the EU and with Turkey in NATO, so they should be some sort of friends, but not.
No so much. His main problem is Ukraine, not Syria/ISIS, and the situation there is bad for him because he is stuck in a conflict without movements, the Russian economy is still going down because of the sanctions, Ukraine is starting to improve their institutions and military, Russia has a lot of image damage in its…
They have an early warning system, not space-based but with the Voronezh radar that covers most parts of Russia. Also any system is use to retaliate and with the ABM system for Moscow.
The military budget in Russia goes in this order:
1- Because that is the game they want us to play. They want the US do certain moves because, even if the died, it would increase the probabilities of more terrorists attacks. Like what happened with Bin Laden: After the 9/11 attacks they believed that the US would do only a small operation against thme and they were…
The problem in the Middle East is that Western governments did a lot of damage to any idea of a secular nation-state: Supporting coups against them, supporting dictatorships, being allies with nations with horrible human rights records (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc), helping dictators to fights wars against other nations…
There are serious problems:
Muchos de los receptores GPS actuales, además del sistema de posicionamiento estadounidense también son capaces de operar con su equivalente ruso, GLONASS. Y ya existen chips capaces de operar tanto en el sistema europeo Galileo como el chino Compass, así que es un tema de renovación tecnológica para empezar a usar…