
Hooray Blitz!

It's like two Furbys talking to each other all over again!!!!

@bigcamcrsx - well played, sir.

You forgot to add in the automated hitting of snooze 1 minute after each alarm.

These things are fantastic. It's got the appeal of the corn dog with the taste of a pig in a blanket mixed with the comfort of a "real" breakfast. If you don't like it, go enjoy more gaspacho in Russia instead. See if Comrade Dean-ofsky will put THAT on a stick for you!

I'm very much already dreading the first time I'm in class with my iPad and some dickhead friend of mine sends one of those "chick with dick" pictures through iMessage....

I remember playing the living shit out of CoI growing up, then discovering the 'hard' setting that opened up three more levels on the second floor, and finally getting to play against the witch for all of the marbles. Fantastic game. Here's hoping whatever they do with the trademark does the original justice.

Good God 'n Gravy, PLEASE let the Sprint exclusive be true! This is what the internets was invented for! To see a man eat his HAND on a live stream! Only question is, will he eat the cow first, does it have to be in one sitting, etc etc.... :)

Leaves no room for expansion to the 5-6 players :( Other than that, BAD-ASS!!!!

Will the Onion News Network be ala-carte or included with the MSNBC/FoxNews bundle??

Owen — you do realize that the pick you threw, you threw it directly into zone coverage while Gates had a man under his route, so....FOR CHRIST SAKE OWEN DONT THROW IT 20 YARDS TO A SLOW TE IN (what appears to be) PREVENT DEFENSE!

Just two more weeks till sleep and weekend rest are gone again. Dammit, 2K sports. I still have to play Dead Island and GoW first!

If the correction modifies the actual headline itself, why not correct the headline?

You didn't get your girls yet??? Did you send in your form? They only take 4-6 weeks to arrive.

That was pretty awesome. See the fat jiggle like jello!!!!!

I've bought Mansions of Madness and Arkham Horror, but haven't cracked them open yet. Apparently, no one else wants to play a game where you get "creeped out" as the biggest selling point. Thus I have nothing to base my impression of this game on, but any game where I can enjoy Lovecraft mythos as a single player has

I ended up building a system nearly just like yours for about the same (i5-2500K, P67, 8Gb 1333 RAM, 500Gb Seagate Barracuda, 1Gb Radeon 6870, $50 budget case, 650W PSU). Now that I think about it, did you go to Fry's too? haha. Oh, and for games, I feel spoiled now. I'm throwing max settings at SC2, Tropico 4,


Thanks for the help! Good advice!

Thanks for the example, I'm using it as a baseline.