
Awesome info, thanks!!!

In the light of cheaper "gaming" PCs, anyone have any recommends on a DIY build of a gaming PC between $400-700 with decent performance? I'm not thinking Crysis on max settings, but more SC2 or WoW with smooth dragging and at least medium effect levels.

Loved the first game and got a ton of gameplay out of it. Excited for this one, and for only $20. Hooray for Runic Games!

Loved the first game and got a ton of gameplay out of it. Excited for this one, and for only $20. Hooray for Runic Games!

Well said.

Sold. However, I really hope they refined the animations for players off the ball for how they look like they're moving through molasses along the sidelines or "gliding" into the paint.

Little known facts — the guys that created this show used to work on both The Simpsons and Family Guy, thus the interspersed humor that appeals to adults and how they don't insult a child's intelligence with the writing of the show. I can't get enough of the show, its great classic-style cartoon.


Any word at all on whether this version is built from the ground up to curb online cheating? That's what turned me off from CS in the first place and made me resort to only playing with roommates.

For the briefest of periods in the slides - SUPER AUDIO CD!!!!

A mix of Kard Combat and NCAA Football 12 before school starts next week. =( Hoping I can squeeze in some Dominion as well.

Are you being sarcastic? If so, well done, author. If really think $3 a pop rentals on Facebook will take down Netflix? Food for thought — don't give out stock tips.

Awaiting the first police sponsored flash mob "stings" where they lure people into a 7-11 where sheriffs are waiting outside to grab everyone. I imagine the footage from the sting will be quite humorous.


Awesome that the shots over USC were done during rivalry week. You can see the smoke from the bonfire where UCLA bears are burned.

No. People find clever ways around it. IT can only do so much. People are stubborn and unwilling to learn or abide by policies. Infrastructure can only do so much. Even if you get to the nitty gritty and restrict copying/pasting from the screen, disallowing screenshots, printing, and even email, people will then type

Shortest of answers —- people are stubborn and don't listen. Encryption is free (7Zip, WinZip, WinRAR, TrueCrypt), but users just don't listen. I'm in IT, I see it all the time. It's all too easy to copy information out of a secure system or database into Excel and not protect it in any way, save it on a flash drive

I dunno. I still think I'm getting a hell of a deal with Netflix at $18-20 a month for all you can eat streaming and blu-rays sent to me through snail mail. I always thought their service was way under-priced for the value they provide. If it takes an extra $3-5 out of my pocket a month to keep them running and let

Damn you and all your "easy-release" bicycling kind. If I wanna pull that kind of stunt, my bike requires a sturdy wrench and paint-in-the-ass balancing and toppling of said bike when the weight knocks it over >:O

Love the "don't tase me, bro", but after that it falls apart.