
That's a damn cool implementation, buggy as it is. I highly anticipate the iPad version. The iPhone version is solid, but it really needs the add'l screen real estate. Board looks great though. Time to break out the Catan box and play a couple of rounds...

Seems HIGHLY suspect to me if only for this — if you had access to an iPad 2 in the wild, is this crummy shot the ONLY one you would take and distribute?????

@FrancesTheMute: We do the same. The only time we care what's on there is when someone did something wrong. Otherwise, the less we know about your data, the better. I work in health care, so we also have added regulations about security, so it's really a no-no for us to look, and many people can probably fall under

If you just want a cut and dry (but kinda dick-ish) way around it, run DBAN which requires no permission other than booting from a CD and it will wipe clean to the DoD level, leaving everything mostly permanently irreversible. Then tell IT it hasn't booted for weeks and you just didn't get around to reporting it until

@bdinger: Ditto. I work in IT and deal with machines such as these all the time. We'd much rather DBAN it or just image over it with our images through WinPE/ImageX and call it a day. If people would just say "I have personal stuff, can you erase it", it just gives me all the more reason to wipe it as soon as I get

Great game. Begs the question though — why isn't there a Katamari game for the iPhone/iPad yet? Seems like the platform begs for it.

Anyone know if you can import DJ Hero I tracklist into this ala Rock Band 2?

@Thinger: It's lonelier at the top, but we eat better ;)

Wtf were they thinking with the echo noise? Is this how they imagine hearing it in space would sound, b/c I don't think it will sound like that, considering its a vacuum. I'm legitimately creeped out by it myself, including the animal sound overlay as well. If I were an alien, I'd come kill us.

Kudos to Cheech for being the most successful person just for smoking weed. Some even refer to it as "smoking the cheech".

@kagekiri: Its making boatloads of money. Cars 2 is due out next year. Cars Land opens at California Adventure in 2012 with several rides and attractions. AND they get to work with Owen Wilson. Win-win-win! :D

Nahhh. No way Sony would leave behind their beloved XMB and associated OS, as well as opening up to Android which would invite even more piracy of games.

Anyone playing Carcassonne on iPhone/iPad??? Let me know, let's start a game!

@Goldwings: Hard to say, dude. You could go with a handycam around $300 and a decent tripod for around $100, but depending on your needs (since you're looking at models over $1k) do you also want it to be a DSLR? That's a whole other bag of worms.

It's hard to say what exactly will happen WHEN Verizon gets the iPhone.

Wait — wasn't it just last week that Laziridis was telling the Saudis to "love" themselves, and now they've turned around and bent over?

I'll readily agree that the improved screen on the iPhone4 makes the iPad look shabby at times. However, for creating/viewing docs, reading ebooks and playing games, the larger real estate still takes the cake. While I LOVE playing Catan and Carcassonne on the iPhone, its much more pleasant on the iPad for ease of

@Elftor: Thanks for the in-depth explanation. Perhaps this could be highlighted in the article by the editors to help shed light on exactly how this came to be.

@Silent: Oh I get that. Its a valuable in-game commodity, and as we say in the hood, "he got got."