
@thechansen: Care to play? Handle is eduardjm

@katedahl: Care to play? Handle is eduardjm

@njefferson: Care to play? Handle is eduardjm

Anyone looking care to play? My handle is eduardjm, same as the Giz handle =D

To echo other commenters, Carcassonne nailed the online-play with turn-based notifications. Great presentation, and the universal version is forthcoming.

Wait for the OmniFocus for iPad client due out this week. Now THERE'S what you would call "cross-platform" and adheres strictly to the GTD methodology. Syncing between multiple Macs, iPhone and iPad also available.

@cowboybebopfan: What's most likely is that the Gawker posting interface accepts "attachments" for templates, and when it uploads them it converts into different sizes for different purposes, for the splash left-most div, the article view within the column div and then the full size which you can see when you click on

Was this chart meant more to fool unwitting consumers or the blue shirts at Best Buy to make them "knowledgeable" on consoles??

Thank yo so much for pointing this out. I also "got it" after a couple of plays and having the Servant kick my ass. I'm gonna lose so much time on the toilet playing this game, they might never see me at my desk at work again...

@123rufus: Soon....soon (they can't be missing the boat on this, or at least we hope...)

@eduardjm: I just realize that made no sense....

Probably more to support execs and high-ranks who are on Verizon, visiting high-ranks who are on Verizon so that there is no opportunity of missed calls while on the Apple campus. This is spending money to remain as professional as possible.

#8 - AWESOME. We're overdue for some new Katamari anyway

I seem to remember NBA2K looking better. The faces and jerseys are absolutely god-awful. Oh, and he looked best in the NY and NJ unis.

@voodoogmr: That's been exactly my experience. I've stopped looking at the bars on phones since my first cell phone, quickly learning they were inaccurate. With the iPhone 4, I've had zero dropped calls and far better signal quality, including in places that were previously dead spots with my iPhone3G.

@PrincessOfPower: Also — "Pearl Harbor style"? The fuck does that even mean? How do you film "pearl harbor style"??? I'm sure this whole thing was though up by a few coked out "producers" that had the brilliant idea of casting Lohan in a porn, but to make it cinema so that she would agree to it. Ugh...

@PrincessOfPower: Dead giveaway — you never-ever-ever-ever-ever-ever hyphenate to carry a word over on to the next line in a screenplay, be it a draft, working or final. Complete amateur schlock.

It's no wonder this excuse of a film isn't being made. The screenplay is amateurish, at best. Pretty craptacular.