
@turleymuller: That's crazy talk. You're crazy, dude.

@C-Cookie: Yes. I have not had a single issue, and have tried my damndest to replicate it hoping to have something to complain about. It's been the opposite, I've only had improved reception and call quality.

How can Nintendo tease use like this with no release/price points when they have tons of units on the E3 floor running the tech demos and early builds? It's gotta be this year, right???

So.....are they admitting that its been crap up to this point? I don't play the basketball video games, but that's essentially the tone that the producers carry at the beginning of the video...

I'll be there! I live two blocks away so I'll stumble home comfortably. Look forward to meeting you guys!

Sweet! I'm there! I live two blocks away so I will comfortably stumble home.


@Thorax: If you want a good philly cheesesteak, follow the South Philly Experience on Twitter. Amorosa rolls, Tast-e Cakes, the whole 9 yards.

Also, for LA-only food suggestions near downtown, may I suggest the following...

@hazelnut: You know you can ask for 'extra chili' and they pile it on for free? They even stick a spoon in it, because it's really a chili bowl and burger in one at that point.

Excited to see where you guys have the pre-E3 this year! Redwood bar was great, maybe you can try The Varnish this time around?? It's a speakeasy, for crying out loud! A real-life speakeasy!

@opazhman: If memory serves, HP announced their tablet with the moniker "Slate" before the Apple event. If this were the case (and I believe it was), Apple would avoid it at all costs, even if they were on the fence about it.

The player models in the lead shot irk me for some reason. Not sure if its the uncanny valley, but somethin' ain't right...

@Befitzero: They did indeed, the same way Wordscraper, Scrabulous and others have done so on Facebook. There was a pretty nasty fight on there between EA/Hasbro and the indie developers a while back. Yes, this game is different enough to the point where it's not Scrabble.

Anyone aware of whether this will cover only the original GoW or all three (or including the PSPs, all five)??

Taking this as an opportunity to once again be grateful that Blizzard always shows love to the Mac gamers. I will enjoy this game thoroughly on release date on my Mac =D.

@Pitchswitch: You forgot Lit and Limp Bizkit, haha.

@ddhboy: My tastes actually line up w/yours, so I'll give it a couple more spins and pull back my judgment till then. I'll also check out Flying Lotus based on your excitement.