
Anyone else greatly disappointed by the Gorillaz latest effort? It just felt like it was missing something...

Seeing a snap from the photoshoot totally ruins my vision of the cover shot having come from a huge game, mid-stride and about to do something magical...

I don't think its a matter of "elitism" and keeping out other people of lower class. This strikes more to the fundamental of the game. If you throw in proper nouns, as Colbert noted last night, "Jay-Z" or "JAYZ" in the game would be a hell of a play. A distinct advantage for some. The real root of the issue though is

Either Rockstar Australia is off the leash and out of the yard, or this editor [McCasker] is full of it and this is just another reason he was fired.

If a row of real mushrooms sprouted in front of these ornaments, I would lose my shit. More sun! More sun!

@LeafRunner: True, but wouldn't they be awesome while they survived? =D

BLASPHEMY!!!! REFUSE TO ACCEPT! This will eliminate one of the fundamentals of the game! It's like adding a Triangle to Tic-Tac-Toe that automatically wins the game and can be played anytime. This is awful.

Here I was hoping it was going to be 3D in the way that WordPlus enabled 3D on their dies. That was a pretty cool effect, and I would hope they would've used for this game as well.

@sephto: Gaming is gaming. If a game is good, the platform is irrelevant. It's about the experience, not the politics behind it.

@Koztah: This is true. It's too bad MS hasn't announced RDC for the iPad, which seems like it would work great. It already runs smooth as butter on OS X. I hope it gets ported over.

Killzone 2 CS4!!! The rumors were true! Modify your own textures and add more artifacts FTFW!

@skaldicpoet9: Will it transfer if I switch to a new blog, or do I have to buy a special cable to do that?


@animeman59: It'll support LogMeIn. iPhone apps will carry over to the iPad.

@Viic Viiper: Probably every person that bought an iPhone versus any other smartphone because of the games and apps.

If nothing else, can we stop with the bitching about "I KNOW THIS SUXORZ, N3XT VERSION BETTER, APPLE SCREWZ CUSTOMERS AGAIN!" commentary?

@MxPxRobbie: You know, I don't know if I did something (although I certainly haven't paid) but I have yet to run into any limits on Lala...

Can anyone with experience with both Spotify and [] compare the two? When I would like to stream something that I don't already have, lala seems to work well. Does Spotify have any distinct advantage? Thoughts???

Hopefully the logic gets moved over to the NCAA engine as well. This will save a ton of frustration for those receivers that catch the ball and invariably, can't help but stumbling out of bounds with no one around them.